Silent Hill Fandom Wiki

Hello, everyone. I'm ManicShorty, a regular user at Silent Hill Wiki. A few of the users from this wiki, myself included, have recently collaborated to create a new one, Silent Hill Theories Wiki . It is another fan-based wiki solely based on theories formulated by fans of the game. Some examples of theories that one could formulate may be if a certain character is actually alive when presumed dead or reasonings behind actions leading to a certain game or event in a game or why there is a recurring object such as a rocking chair or something of that nature.

The administrators have been working hard to construct it and make it easily accessable and user-friendly and it would be a shame to waste all of that hard work. We are strongly reliant on user contribution, so if there is anyone who would like to present any theory and formulate it, this SHTheories is the place. If there are any questions, feel free to message me on the Theories Wiki, on SH Wiki, or here and I'll be glad to answer any of them. I hope to see new users and theories being posted very soon. Have a good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night, everyone!
